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Monday, May 27, 2019

What do you mean by automation testing or test automation?

Automation testing automates the manual testing process which facilitates the creation of multiple testing scripts that can be executed repeatedly without any manual intervention.

What is Automated Testing?

Automated testing is a procedure to approve that product capacities suitably and meets necessities before it is discharged into creation. This type of programming testing utilizes scripted successions that are executed by testing tools.

Benefits of Automated Software Testing

The advantages of automation testing are just the endless. Here we have discussed on some of the major benefits that are usually experienced by testing professionals during the entire process –
  • Automation testing is more accurate and less prone to human errors.
  • It is faster and budget solution tool
  • It helps in testing large modules in the limited time span.
  • It allows facility of parallel execution whenever needed.
  • Automated testing saves time and money
  • QA and Dev team morals improves                                
  • Testing Improves accuracy
  • Vastly Increases your test coverage

What Test Cases to Automate?

It is difficult to computerize all testing, so it is critical to figure out what experiments ought to be automated first.

what are the Automation Testing Tools?
  1. Selenium
  2. Katalon Studio
  3. UFT
  4. TestComplete
  5. SoapUI

What are selenium supporting testing types?

Selenium tool supports two types of testing – Functional testing and Regression testing.

 Are there any drawbacks of selenium testing tool?

The functionality of the selenium testing tool is limited to web applications only. It cannot be used mobile apps or API testing. Further, selenium tool does not provide a facility to test Captcha and barcodes. You must have knowledge of some programming language when working on selenium.

• Selenium needs very much expertise resources. The resource should also be very well versed in framework architecture.
• Selenium only supports web based application and does not support windows based application.
• It is difficult to test Image based application.     
• Selenium need outside support for report generation activity like dependence on TestNG or Jenkins.
• Selenium does not support built in add-ins support.
• Selenium user lacks online support for the problems they face.
• Selenium does not provide any built in IDE for script generation and it need other IDE like Eclipse for writing scripts.
• Selenium Automation Engineers are bit in scarcity these days.

What do you understand by the term “Selenese”?

Selenese is a popular programming language that is used to write test scripts in Selenium IDE.

Explain the meaning of XPath in Selenium?

XPath is defined as XML path. It is a syntax or language for finding any element on the web page using XML path expression. XPath is used to find the location of any element on a webpage using HTML DOM structure.

How to identify web elements in Selenium?

To identify web elements in Selenium, you need to work with locators. They are the address identifiers to identify web elements accurately and more precisely. The most popular locators in Selenium include ID, TagName, CSS Selector, DOM, ClassName, LinkTest, Name, XPath and many others.

 How to count a number of elements on a page?

To count a number of elements on a page, you first need to locate them and count the final size for the page.

Can you name the popular selenium tool used by large industries worldwide?

Selenium Web Driver is a popular testing tool used by big Companies today.

How will you check result of text execution in Selenium IDE?

The result for text execution in selenium IDE is displayed in Log Window.

How can you modify test cases in Selenium IDE?

Obviously, test cases can be modified in Selenium IDE by table views or by looking up the source code.
Some Images Of Selenium IDE Testing

Selenium IDE Testing in Real Project

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