What Is React JS - csactor



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Thursday, March 14, 2019

What Is React JS

Introduction of React JS

ReactJS is the latest JavaScript framework to capture the hearts and attention of the front-end developer community.
Developers love ReactJS because it highly performance and renders changes almost instantly. The best part about ReactJS is that it is a relatively small framework and does not take too much time to learn! React allows developers to create large web applications which can change data, without reloading the page. This frame work is an open-source JavaScript library which is used for building user interfaces specifically for single page applications. It’s used for handling view layer for web and mobile apps. React also allows us to create reusable UI components.
React was first created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer working for Facebook. React first deployed on Facebook’s news feed in 2011 and on Instagram.com in 2012. 
The main purpose of React is to be fast, scalable , and simple. It works only on user interfaces in application. This corresponds to view in the MVC template. It can be used with a combination of other JavaScript libraries or frameworks, such as Angular JS in MVC.

How React JS affect web developers

Why web developers should use ReactJS. There are so many open-source platforms for making the front-end web application development easier, like Angular. Let us take a quick look on the benefits of React over other competitive technologies or frameworks. With the front-end world changing on a daily basis, it’s hard to devote time to learning a new framework – especially when that framework could ultimately become a dead end. So, if you're looking for the next best thing but you're feeling a little bit lost in the framework jungle, I suggest checking out React.

ReactJS is just simpler to grasp right away. The component-based approach, well-defined lifecycle, and use of just plain JavaScript make React very simple to learn, build a professional web (and mobile applications), and support it. React uses a special syntax called JSX which allows you to mix HTML with JavaScript. This is not a requirement; Developer can still write in plain JavaScript but JSX is much easier to use. Anyone with a basic previous knowledge in programming can easily understand React while Angular and Ember are referred to as ‘Domain specific Language’, implying that it is difficult to learn them. For react you just need basic knowledge of CSS and HTML.

React uses one-way data binding and an application architecture called Flux controls the flow of data to components through one control point – the dispatcher. It's easier to debug self-contained components of large ReactJS apps.

How React JS affect web users

React.js is achieved massive popularity within the domain of online, web-based businesses and that too for a perfectly good reason. The one thing that it does exceptionally well — carve out great looking user interfaces (UI). With the principle that HTML and JavaScript are bound to collaborate side-by-side, react was created with a business-forward mindset by leveraging faster web-page load speed, SEO friendliness and code re usability through combining the two technologies.
Notable Boost In Performance: The Virtual DOM emphatically in react increases speed of modern web applications because it eliminates the usage of code heavy frameworks such as jQuery and other bootstrapping libraries. React itself is sufficient in creating awesome looking front-end designs and combined with its super-fast rendering capabilities is a natural fit for companies to utilize it in their services.
Seamless SEO Integration: For any online business, content is king. Search Engine Optimization is the gateway to boost user traffic onto their platform. React significantly reduces page load time through faster rendering speed, adapts it performance in real-time based on current user traffic, features that are otherwise not perfectly handled by most frameworks.
This particular aspect is essential for the success of businesses because faster speed is directly proportional to more users which converts to main goal of companies: Revenue. This is also emphasized by Moz in their article that effective use of SEO will improve the app’s ranking on Google search and reaching the number one spot is the holy grail of every web-based platform.

How React JS will affect future of WWW

Developers always prefer a framework that breaks down difficult and complicated components and makes it possible to finish the project faster by creating reusable code. Traditional JS frameworks like Angular or Ember.js require a developer to write a lot of code for creating a module or a component.

The major reason behind the popularity of React in 2019 is that it does not demand any additional effort or rework from a developer. With the flexibility and robustness, it offers, developers can easily build a complicated module faster and reuse the code as much as needed in other modules, thereby ensuring a faster application that can be rendered easily in different browsers with very little loading time. This makes it a perfect choice for developers who are keen on cross-browser compatibility.

React.js can be described in three words: advanced, responsive, and risk-free. It skillfully tackles the challenge of building large scale applications with dynamic data changes. Providing developers with a virtual DOM as well as developer tools, single page applications can be developed much faster by using React.

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