Business process Identification - csactor



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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Business process Identification

                 Business Process Identification

Process Identification

Process Identification 

In this phase , a business problem is posed, processes relevant to the problem being address are identified and delimited. 

The outcome of process identification is a new or updated process architecture that provides an overall view of the processes in an organization and their relationship.

Focusing on Key Processes

 what processes are executed in the organization? and  which ones should the organization focus on?  

Some processes need to receive priority because they are of strategic importance to an organization’s survival.  

Other processes might show striking problems, which should be resolved for the sake of all involved stakeholders.  

Categories of Processes according to Porter 


- Covers essential value creation of a company. 
- Production of goods and services for which customers pay.


- Enables the execution of the core processes.


Relations between core, support, management processes

Most commonly used process evaluation criteria(Prioritization) 


Assess the strategic relevance of each process. The goal is to find out which process has the greatest impact on the company’s strategic goals. Select the processes to that most directly relate to strategic goals of the organization to active process management. - Which processes have the greatest impact on the organization‘s strategic goals? 


Render the high level judgment of the “health” of each of the processes. Determine which processes are in the deepest trouble. These are the processes that benefit most from the process centered initiatives. - Which processes are in the deepest trouble? 


Each process should be determined how susceptible they are to process management initiatives, incidental or on a continuous basis. Process management should focus on those processes where it is reasonable to expect benefits. - Which processes are the most likely to be successful.

BPM Maturity Assessment

A body of techniques to determine the level of systematic process thinking in an organization. 

Aspects of BPM maturity assessment 
               1. To assess to what extent a given organization covers the range of processes that are ideally expected from it. 

              2. To assess to what degree these processes are documented and supported. 

One of the most widely used frameworks for maturity assessment is Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI).

Designing a Process Architecture 

A process architecture is a conceptual model that shows the processes of a company and makes their relationships explicit. 

Different levels of detail defined by process architecture

Steps to develop a business process architecture

1. Identify Case Types 
2. Identify functions for case types 
3. Construct one or more case/function matrices 
4. Identify processes

1. Identify Case Types

- A case is something that an organization (or a part of it) handles. Typically, it is a product or a service that is delivered by the organization to its customers. E.g. insurance (service), toy (product) 

- Cases can also refer to products or services delivered by one department to another in the same organization. 

- The cases can be classified using any number of properties. 

Commonly used types of cases 

- Product type ◦ Types of products handled by the organization. They are usually hierarchically  decomposed. 

- Service type ◦ If an organization/part of an organization handles services this property identify the services handled.
- Channel ◦ Channels through which the organization contacts its customers ◦ E.g. face-to-face, Online.
- Customer type ◦ Types of customers the organization is dealing with ◦ E.g. Airline company – frequent flyers and regular customers. 

2. Identify Functions for Case Types 

- The function dimension classifies the functions of the organization. A function is something the organization does. 

E.g. Functions of a production company – purchasing, production, sales - Hierarchical decomposition of functions can be made. 

3. Construct Case/ Function Matrices 

Identification of cases and functions lead to a matrix that has different case types as columns and different functions as rows. 

If the corresponding function can be performed by the corresponding case the cell matrix contains a ‘X’

4.Identify Processes 

- Determine which combinations of business functions and case types form a business process. 

- To determine this, we need to find a trade-off between two extremes, one in which the entire matrix forms one big process and one in which each single cross in the matrix forms a process.  

- We establish this trade-off by the use of the general rule . 

- These rules can be formulated as eight guidelines.  

- When a guideline applies, this may lead to a separation of processes between rows (a vertical split) or to a separation of processes between columns (a horizontal split).  

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